
Places you shouldn’t visit

Places you shouldn't visit


places you shouldn’t visit 

there is an enormous negative response to this celebration right from the government level.


Although India is a very liberal country having a very flexible attitude towards Valentine’s Day and Taj Mahal in Agra epitomizing one of the famous love sagas in history, the equation is not so plain and simple for religious fundamentalists. The hardliners in Agra have openly voiced their disapproval for this day since they believe the activities that take place on this day cannot be termed as civilized and ethical. Therefore, it could be inferred that Valentine’s Day spent in Agra may not be too pleasant.

 Lombok , indonesia

It should be borne in mind that Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world and it is the prime religion of the nations. Matters relating to love between fiancés are looked upon with contempt. Religious dogmas are so rigid that Valentine’s Day is often referred as a “sex holiday”. So spending this special day in Indonesia, in Lombok to be particular would not only be a bland affair, but you may be in for nasty surprises for your overenthusiastic acts of love which may amount to crime as per the local legislation.

Kuala lumpur, malaysia


Just like in Indonesia the flames of fanaticism have made Valentine’s Day a target to shoot at. Back in 2012, a large number of merry Muslim couples were arrested for being obscenely too close to each other. Talk of spending and spoiling your Valentine’s Day in this country!

 Isfahan, iran

Just three years back the Iranian government has slapped a ban on anything connected to heart and matters of love. Heart shaped cut outs and red roses were declared offensive and so were rock music and women’s participation in open mirth and celebration. So planning your Valentine’s Day in Iran would be really off.

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