
Old age and what to avoid

What happens at old age


what you experience as you grow old

when men and women grow and age each day ,so there are many changes that take place inside and outside of them. which changes the way they look and talk and take actions. they also start having grey hair growth,and there hairs starts cutting off, there skin starts looking weak and dull,and there will be wrinkles too on there body as they are aging each day. like seriously,there human bones starts being weaker and there human teeth will not be strong enough.old aging people can not remember things as they are getting older each day .and they hardly understand things as they are getting older.They don’t talk out louder because of aging, they can’t reason very well and there eyes can’t see carefully .they start urinating and defecating on there clothes, they will start having ear issues of not hearing you when you talk .

ofcourse, aging has many disability that discomforts the human body. if old people are eating the balance and exact diet that can take care of the aging process.let us look at what effect that old aging brings to human.the changes that are seen during aging , the organs affected, the effects and medical health solutions


Effects on human body and solution’s



if your skeleton looses weight of flesh,so your Joints starts experiencing arthritis, rheumatism and . Try and take meals that are rich in calcium and such as milk, fish, pumpkin leaf and green vegetables. according to research that was made by health experts, plant has proteins that are healthy for the human body because they help humans that has low calcium .and it gives calcium through the kidney.

humans body cells are changing daily everyday . human cerebellum can be be slightly very younger than your real age but that of the cerebrum is your real age.your human cerebrum Is older than you.


Suggested food for arthritis


For painful joints, squeeze half lemon in one glass of hot water and drink thrice a day. Also, apply raw potato juice or use the water used to boil potato to rub the joints.

Another option, rub your joints with neem oil and camphor. try Drinking enough coconut oil, drink enough water melon , Orange’s 🍊 Pineapple juice and when consumed regularly and expecially in the morning to assists in the overall health of bones at joints.

jumping up and stretching your hands , walking round the corner of your home surroundings in multiple times is a must daily exercises.. Regular exercises can make the step to give yiu more blood cells level.

Also, gentle massage with warm, olive oil is very effective to relieve pains caused by arthritis. Ginger has been found to cure arthritis. Garden egg, when applied externally is potent in the cure of rheumatism/arthritis.

Avoid fried, fatty fast food, sugary soft drinks and sedentary lifestyle that could lead to overweight, and cause pains at joints. Lime is effective against arthritis because it has citric acid that dissolves (as solvent) the uric acid which is the major cause of it.


Brain issues


Brain-related problems include stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, dementias and Parkinson’s disease. Older people tend to forget things more easily and less sharp at reasoning.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day so as to avoid the issue of aging. French scientists discovered that out of the 1,740 adults monitored over 20 years those who ate flavonoid-rich fruits, vegetables and drank tea stayed the keenest. One-sixth of a grapefruit is recommended daily.more than Two cups of green tea daily is also good.

Liver has a confirmed source of protein, iron and B-vitamins, it helps the overall human brain to function well if eating daily says Dr. Alan Steward. please you should eat liver for your own good.




Muscle cells weaken due to old age , degeneration or riping away. Old people can’t move veryy fast , even can’t be like stopping and they prefer sitting down and just to make them feel comfortable and relaxed.the old people Skins beings to look weak and drow sag. Body tissues are damaged from exposure to radiation and mutagenic chemicals.

try and take foods like oat milk, drink corn flakes or drink pap that are processed and formed from maize, this foods are powerful sources of needed carbohydrates. carbohydrates gives you more energy.. Red meat does have rich iron for forming red blood cells in your body and which transport oxygen round the body to release more energy for your body.

foods that are rich in protein and are milk, cooked chicken ,beans ,eggs and fish can assist you further in building , maintaining and building your human body cells and thereby it replacing weak part of your body.

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