
How to stay hydrated

How to stay hydrated


Meaning of hydration:


Hydration is the process of replacing water in the body organ for proper functions of the body.water contains hydrogen and oxygen just for your body to be alive .Water is important because without water you won’t be living , but the body also needs  like calcium , iron  and fluoride to regulate water balance.

Hydration is important because it can help food digest well and help  metabolism to work well in the body. food digestion in your body helps body temperature  to regulate well  and removal of toxic in the body.lack of dehydration can cause symptoms like hunger,  and headache

Dehydration can threaten your body system.adults should drink eight glasses of water every day

How to stay hydrated

Here are some tips to stay hydrated:

1. Always drink water everytime even when you aren’t tasty.

2. Drink water before embarking on any hard task that requires sweat and after embarking on that, drink water again

3. Make sure you have a water nearby so that you can drink from there when ever you are dehydrated.

4. Drink water instead of soda drinks at the moment of dehydration.

5. Eat fruits that can give you high water like watermelon and Orange’s ?

6. Reject too much alcohol because it will dehydrate you .

7. If you find it hard drinking water then try flavoured juice like lemon juices

8. If you are been beat by the sun or at work then always drink water to keep you cool.

If you are not able to drinks water due to you are already used to it then try squeezing oranges into a cup and drinking it Or, if you are still tired of drinking water then you can try drinking coconut water.

Relatedly, eating fruits like watermelon and strawberries will help you remain hydrated because of it high water content.

You should also eat fruits with natural contents like Guava and apple.

Finally, you can try drinking more water by setting reminder on your watch or telling your children to remind you to get dehydrated , setting a goal to remain hydrated is essential.

To recall dehydration and it causes are very dangerous to the human cell organs. By following my tips then you are assured to be getting electrolytes you need to stay healthy.


Always remember that it very important to listen to your body to know if you are hydrated.ever want to know about your dehydration status then you need to consult a popular health expert in your area.


Always be hydrated and always be healthy.



##WATER##              ##LIFE##

##BODY##             ##LIVING##














































































































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