
How to look younger and beautiful

How to look younger and beautiful



How to look younger and beautiful




It is very important to look younger every day as we are heading to our old ages and human is wanting to look beautiful and younger .if you look older then there are people who  will  really be attracted by you because everyone wants something beautiful and young to compress dear, strive to look younger because of  being younger has a value added .it can even make you get a job if a job manager sees you are g and younger.a lot of companies are looking for young people to work for them and that’s why you need to be healthy,they can’t take you for work if you are older looking person but only if you are younger at times.being younger and beautiful can give a good sense of reasoning to everybody around you on both the way you are feeling and in a diverse  psychologically intent and just because everyone wants to look the beauty of nature.imagine looking to ugly something and see if you will like it ,no you wouldn’t ! But daily activities that span the human body  and the psychological act as aging  factors that causes  the non being able to remember things again, unable to  speech out more louder, the  ankles, shoulders and bones  becomes slow and weaker and these are the signs of old age you should avoid and so as to look younger and beautiful.


Taking a  tho and fro walk  , jumping up and down and doing exercises around where you leave and  stretching your two hands can go a long way in your aging process and make you be active against the signs of old age.try doing these very exercises each morning time you woke up for your own goodness.swimming and receiving fresh air  , thinking  and always memorizing the way you should eat and what you ought not to eat ,by including fruit drinks to eat would go a long way towards making me and you to look more  younger and beautiful.


According to “w.h.o” the important way to longevity is to  keep off the causes to harmful diseases. The most dangerous is the  high blood pressure and high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high cholesterol can lead you to having a more serious cardiovascular diseases . And it’s the  leading cause of death in the world today. Our mindsets should be therefore on ways to avoid and  disagree the deadly mechanisms that contribute to the number one killer”.


Cholesterol is very more pernicious and  because the waxy things which it was made up with can clog up your arteries over time. Fortunately you can bring cholesterol levels to the lowest formula if you make and plan the changes for your daily diet . Diabetes is another problem that causes  the cardiovascular diseases in the human body.





To avoid the complications of diabetes, then you should regularly regulate your blood sugar. It is not only what  You drink that causes diabetes but  should also watch your intake of certain foods if you’re looking to reduce your risk of heart problems and diabetes. Some human dietary planning can be more  dangerous.


Here are some drinks that can reduce aging in your body and they are green tea, spinach, blueberry, papaya,pink grapefruit juice, cocoa,oranges , lemon  and these  can help you stop  aging much and it can make you look younger in  your body and mind, according to research made by the blog “how to look younger ” Kindly take note of not only the drinks but their functions against ageing. These drinks can make you more active.


Pink  grapefruit is good for  smoother skin


Pink grapefruit haves its pink red hue from lycopene, a carotenoid that’ll keep your skin smooth according to a study published in the European Journal of Pharmaceutics health. 20 individuals researchers   studied and found out that  those who had higher skin that has pink grape fruit concentrations of lycopene had smoother skin.


Alcohol is effective against alzheimers disease



Drinking alcohol litely and  which is only one glass a day for women and two daily for men could keep off Alzheimer’s and dementia disease. When we are getting older every day ,brain cells becomes weak and  die, leading to gaps that slow nerve transmission within the brain and between the brain and the rest of the body. Litely  drinking of alcohol appears to somehow prevent these potholes.


Serious warning!!! In high taking of alcohol doses, could kills brain cells and it  leads to brain damage that may manifest itself as permanent memory loss forever.becareful .


For healthier heart, you need cocoa !


Kuna people in  the San Blas islands, off the coast of Panama, have a rate of heart disease that is nine times less than that of mainland Panamanians. The reason is because  The Kuna drink plenty of a beverage made with plenty proportions of cocoa, which is not very rich in flavanols that help preserve the healthy function of human  blood vessels. Maintaining your blood vessels as the  youthful   will then  lowers risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and dementia.


Beet juice beats dementia


Beets juice are very very rich in natural nitrates .it is unlike unhealthy artificial nitrates that are found always in the human  processed meat-may be beneficial. The year 2011 study in the Journal Nitric Oxide, older adults who ate a nitrate-rich diet have  a high boost in there  blood flow to the frontal lobe of their human  brains an area commonly associated with dementia.


It have been found that poor circulation of blood in the human body can result to aging related  Scientists think that the nitrates’ nitric oxide, a compound that keeps blood vessels supple, helps increase brain blood flow. Cabbages and radishes also naturally contain nitrates.




You need green tea for inflammation


If coffee is your best choice then you  shouldn’t bag tea altogetherespecially green tea. Green tea is brought by nature and haves  antioxidants that help to stop inflammation. Serious human Chronic inflammation plays a significant role-as either a cause or effect in many diseases of the body and  including type 2 human  diabetes, autoimmune diseases and the three top killers in the United States: heart disease, cancer and stroke.)


At hand ✋ researchers from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Lubbock have  found that green tea can inhibit oxidative stress in the body  and the potential inflammation that may result from it.




Soy milk is good, healthy and freshens your  skin  and keeps wrinkles  away


The soy milk isoflavones may help to preserve skin-firming collagen. In a study published in the  American College of Nutrition, mice fed isoflavones and exposed to UV radiation had fewer wrinkles and smoother skin than mice that were exposed to UV light but didn’t get isoflavones. The researchers think that isoflavones help prevent collagen breakdown.Milk can  Build Muscle size   and Strengthen you .


Studies show that we lose percent of our lean muscle mass each year, we can start losing weight and muscles at thirty years of age .the human Muscle strength will  stop going up  by 13 to 20 percent per decade. The amino acids in protein can  build the  sizes of your muscle and one amino acid that is named  leucine  can be very  particularly good at turning on your body’s muscle energy to become stronger and rise to your desired size. Once that muscle-building switch is flipped-you need to do this at each meal-you’re better able to take in the amino acids from protein in your food. Milk contains whey protein, which is  excellent source of leucine. dairy products, such as Greek yogurt,   lean meat, fish and soy are are much  rich in this amino acid and eating it daily will make you look younger and fresh.


Carrot juice helps the human memory



Carrots contain luteolin, a flavonoid believed to reduce inflammation that can lead to cognitive decline. In a 2010 The Journal IN Nutrition Study, mice that ate a diet that included luteolin had better spatial memory . how quickly they found a platform in a water maze and less inflammation than mice that didn’t get any luteolin. Luteolin is found in bell peppers, and thyme.


Coffee helps skin cancer


drinking clean water every day can lower your risk of having cancer in your body .  A study was conducted on almost 94,000 women, written in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, those who drank 1 cup of  coffee a day reduced their risk of developing  skin cancer by about 11 percent. And the more they drank-up to about 6 cups or so per day-the lower their risk.


Water for Better Breath Water keeps your throat and lips to be  free from being thirsty and prevents your mouth from being dry .


If your mouth is dry ,you will have bad breath and bad breath  can make  people stay away from you . Bad breath can cause unpleasant taste-and can even promote cavities.



Orange juices for eye improvement


research has shown  that people with no  antioxidants in there body are more likely to develop age related issues and health macular  degeneration  than those with higher levels. Macular degeneration is on the leading cause of eye  blindness in people over age 50 years of age as seen today’s world . Vitamin C-which is an antioxidant and has an abundant in orange juice  can  especially be protective against the disease if it’s taking daily . List of antioxidants include  lutein and  vitamin E.


Having this very important news on your hand , the mindset of looking younger is left for you to achieve !!!!







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