
How to have good mental health

What causes mental issues


What is mental health ?

Mental health do not have one description means only . if we should say mental health is about how we feel in the body , how well we’re always on maintainning with daily life or what feels active on the body. having good mental health does not mean you might be happy at times Or not influenced by your life situation.

And having an active health being doesn’t mean you are mentally ok . you may have mental health but your body isn’t healthy.. Or you might not have a mental health problem, but be struggling with your body wellbeing at the moment.

Poor mental wellbeing can make it more difficult to cope with daily life.

I had to make room to be well. Sounds daft but give yourself some space .in my case I used mindedness to help me gain control.

We have resources for you on wellbeing, self-esteem and looking after yourself.we are here to explain what mental health means for healthy living.i will explain to you on how to achieve mental health


Guide for young

Tips for improving your mental wellbeing is essential to you .
There are lots of things you should try and do to have good mental health.

Try to relax and reduce stress
Find ways to learn and be productive.
Spend time in nature
Chat with friends.
take good care of physical health , try and take a sleep and so as to reduce stress.




This helps too

Only try what makes you enjoy your body moods and look at what you enjoy
Give yourself time to find out what goes for you. types of things work for different people .find your own place ,
Take it step by step. If the first step feels too hard, try to make it small and easy steps. even smaller steps goes.
Remember that good days for your wellbeing won’t always look the same. We don’t always have the same types of ability and interest. Be good to yourself and imitate what is very awesome.

thesee information can help if you know how to keep them to yourself , family,loved ones and friends

It just like talking to myself and planning my way through whatever issues that bothered me at the moment.


Try to relax your body

Try to think about what might help you to relax. If there’s something that helps you, try to find time to fit it into your day. For example, this could be having a bath or shower. strolling to the gym, listening to the music and talking to your lover and massaging your lover is a form.

Our tips can help you to rela if you really want to relax.If you find it hard,then you could also try the tips and body exercises in this pages. although it is very hard for you to go for good mental health.

If you’re feeling crazy and wounded by a stressful situation, try to take a break. A change of thinking on matters you suffering for can help you to relax and relieve feelings of distress and just for the moment.


Do what you enjoy

Try to make time to do an activity you like on a regular basis. This could be cooking a meal, going for body massage by specific gender who does it to you.

avoid much hard pressure on your body , you may start to feel out of control. Stress can serious affect in your body.


See to your current moments

Paying attention to the present moment or your senses can be helpful. This is sometimes called mindfulness. You can use techniques such as meditation or breathing exercises. Or you can practise mindfulness by paying more attention to your senses while doing things you do each day, for example, while washing up or eating.

focusing on the present can help people know their mindset and feelings. This means that instead of being afraid by your feelings, it may become easier to be corrected . also try some exercises you could try.


Try a self care 

It may help to put together some things that could help you when you’re struggling. A self-care kit is filled with things that normally comfort you and help you relax. For example, you could include your favourite book, pictures or photos, a stress ball or fidget toy and a comforting blanket or slippers.

make a care kit on your device. You must have music, videos, or words that you find interesting and conscience filled .read books to let you understand how to manage painful situation’s.


Online care


the internet can affect our wellbeing if we apply or watch videos we enjoy, You know what you enjoy more .more time online than you’d like and that it’s making your mental health worse. It could help to take breaks from the internet. Or change the accounts you follow or websites you visit. Our pages on looking after your mental health online have more information. This includes tips on getting a good online balance.

We also have tips on coping with distressing events in the news.

Eight relaxation tips for your mental health
Watch our animation for eight relaxation tips to help you look after your mental wellbeing.

Find ways to learn and be creative
Join a class or group
Learning a new skill in a group can be enjoyable, and help boost your confidence. To find out what’s on in your area, you could contact your local Mind. Or ask at your local library or community centre.


Try online classes

you should learn skill online and join groups on facebook , instagram , twitter,tiktok and This could be a good option of creating a good mental health groups to follow updates.


Try something productive


you can be creative, by drawing, painting and bag making. This might help distract you from difficult thoughts or feelings. Or it may help you to understand yourself better or see difficult times in a safe way. Being productive is a blessing.

I noticed that productive activity really forward my mind and blocks me from focusing on bad and stressful thoughts. It can also be quite rewarding to actually produce something, although can have the opposite effect if things don’t work out quite as needed.


Try to give nature a try 

use your time to explore and it can help improve you feeling and reduce feelings of tiredness and being angry. tips on nature and mental health has more about the values and many more info you should see to.


Bring nature to your home

This can give you the essence of nature without having to go to a hotels night life and meals garden. You could try listening to sweet and reasonable songs, looking at pictures of enjoyable people ,animals or watching nature from your window.

buy flower to keep, grow plants in your surroundings.use natural materials to decorate your house and surrounding.

Spend time with animals
Some people find that being with animals is calming and enjoyable. You could try pet-sitting or dog walking, feed birds from your window, or visit a local community farm.

Try a heart filled exercise by nature,
give attention to your environments and find things to see, hear, taste, smell and touch and it must be something you enjoy.this information is taking a mindful moment in nature for enjoy memoriess you could try.

listen to sweet music and listen to jokes by others.This is where you can rebuild a confidence and become you again.
Connect with others and gist and Joke,
Connecting with others can help us have a greater sense of feelings and remove feelings of boring.


Friend who you trust 

talking up to a person you trust wil assist you feel cared on and supported. It could be a friend, age mate or family member. Or you could call a helpline or listening service such as Mind’s infoline or the Samaritans. Sometimes just acknowledging your feelings by saying them out loud can help.


Try talking to support groups


if things not fine ,then try and meet support, talking to people who have similar feelings or experiences can sometimes help. Talk to them face to face at a human support group, or through an online platforms that is made by church . See our pages on peer support to find out more.

try and become a different person . just
Doing things for love and Charity and God sake can have a positive effect on our wellbeing. You could find ways to support a course that’s important to you.just like standing for the opppressed and donating to charity homes or food housings or giving your whole heart attention on social media matters to support. this information I have on how to get into with Mind’s work.

helping people and stranger’s can give sense of purpose..just like giving someone a plate of rice or writing about a good reviews on the internet on reviewing a product or service .


help others can give sense of purpose and thereby meeting new people.look for way to visit the places like churches, websites for helping opportunities.

look after your physical and mental health and it can have possible change on you by making you activate and healthy.


always drink cups of water when tasty and try to drink enough and to avoid dehydration.
Drinking enough water or other fluids is important for our mental and physical health. try to contact the NHS because they have updated and more rated information about drinking water for the human mental and body health

make choices of what you should eat!.what we eat does affect our human body ,it’s fact. what we eat affect our motion and ability or strength levels. There are advice on what we should eat and not to eat from many people and it can be not understood by you. Feeling weak or bad about what you will eat can affect the wellbeing too.if you like eating some food does not mean everyone else does like such foods too And this can change at different times. always eat good food when planning meals.

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