
Communication in relationship

Communication in relationship


1.Here are the relevant causes of relationship issues

Lack of communication

Communication is very good and have advantages. When ever you try to explain your feelings to your partner and you find out that he or she is reluctant to listen , try jotting down your feelings down. Memorize what you have written. If you see things that are just small issues with no real being, eliminate them. Try to know the types of words you say to your partner and know if it makes him reluctant about you and talk to relationship experts to assist you on how to make your partner to feel your words and act on your words.For example, being  jealousy, are you jealous because you know your partner is lieing, also cheating, and it goes deeper. Some people cheat on you in the past and you don’t trust any one again, Is your partner really making you feel safe ? Is your partner doing what ever you told him or her to do ? When you have realized where they feeling is coming from and how the feelings looks like , you can fix the problems yourself and also talk to relationship experts.


 2.Making accusations on partner

Approach your partner gently, without being so rude and talking against him. Tell him/her the issues. Stop  accusing him or her because it will make them   become defensive , you both will end up in an quarrelling. If you can write letters , then try to write  it to your partner. Leave while they are reading the letter and so as to stop them from being angry or shouting over you , start waiting for they honest reaction from partner. Let your partner process what you have written In his memory . Also,dont accuse your partner. Tell your partner that you want the relationship of you with him or her to last forever. Have a good suggestions coming from both of you on how leaving in peace matters. Be sure you know the exact  problem and aren’t just mentioning a serious mode symptom.

3.Fighting your partner 

Fighting dirty can quickly become a very habit and the both partner may not forget what insult received by each other

 4.Lack of telling your partner you love her or him

Not once, but often tell your partner you love her ,this will make her love you the more and trust you and also make sure you mean it and show love to her by buying things for her can but her soap and detergent for taking good care of the house and body and also buy her perfume .call her names of love and the name big love that turns her head and Sense on you and please huge her while calling her a d she’d tears by telling her you love her and say to her “I will  be with only  someone like you  forever ” please do not leave me to another man or woman ” and make sure you are truly meaning what you say and don’t go to another man or woman .

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